Summary Of “The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar”

The drama is set in February 44BC. The play opens with arrival of Julius Caesar in Rome after defeating the sons of his enemy in Pompey the great, Spain. Caesar’s victory is rejoiced through celebrations, which are disrupted and suspended by Flavius and Marullus. These two characters are illustrated as the political enemies of Caesar. Their interruption and their words portrays that secret and powerful forces are adamant destroy Caesar. However, a soothsayer warns Caser to “beware the ides of March”. Nonetheless, Caesar leaves for the games and races to blotch the celebration of the feast of Lupercal.

Two men are left behind after Caesar’s departure, Marcus Brutus and Cassius. Both the men belong to aristocracy and find the end of themselves and their primordial privilege, in the political reforms and conquests of Caesar. Cassius who is envious and is firm to take power from Caesar, manipulates Brutus. Brutus, despite being a friend of Caesar and a man of integrity opposes him on principle. Cassius slyly uncovers the feelings of Brutus. Cassius is able to learn that Brutus is not altogether against the notion of a conspiracy. The next scene unfolds that the conspiracy Cassius spoke of in veiled terms has already set assail. Cassius is successful in gathering disgruntled aristocrats and convinces Brutus to head the conspiracy for assassinating Caesar in the senate chambers on the ides of March. The next scene opens in Caesar’s house; the time is early morning and Ides of March. The night has been harsh and stormy. Caesar’s wife Calphurnia is depicted as terrified by nightmares and discourages Caesar to go to capitol. Despite the strong discouragement, he leaves for the senate chambers where the conspirators assassinate Caesar.

Mark Antony, a very close friend of Caesar begs Brutus to let him give a speech on Caesar’s funeral. The permission is granted after Brutus ends his speech and leaves. Antonoy’s speech turns the mob in to anger that demands the blood of Caesar’s murderers. The anger of the mob is so severe that the conspirators are forced to flee. Army if formed to bring down the murderers. Cassius and Brutus eventually kills themselves out of shame of becoming captives and facing defeat. The play ends with a eulogy over Brutus’s body and reflecting about him as noblest Roman, the order is restored and Caesar’s assassination is avenged along with the preservation of Roman Empire.

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