Adoption Among Same-Sex Couples

Adoption among same-sex couples is a controversial practice in today’s society. Despite the controversy involved, the number of such adoptions is rising over the years. The practice is also becoming accepted day by day especially as a result of the fight for the LGBT rights. The number of children adopted by such couples is small compared to those adopted by heterosexual couples. They are still considered a minority group. There are two types of adoption among same-sex couples. One is the Joint adoption whereby the couple adopts the child together. This has been legalised in 21 countries so far. The other type is the step-child adoption that has been made legal in 7 countries. This type involves one partner adopting a biological child of the other partner so they can raise the child together.

Championing for same-sex couples adoption

Protagonists argue that children raised by same-sex couples have an open mind foundation. They are set to think differently from the society’s’ expectations. They are also believed to be more accommodative of other people’s lifestyles and beliefs. They also argue that same-sex couples have a right to being parents. Not legalising same-sex couples adoption is therefore seen as discrimination on basis of sexual orientation. Advocates for this kind of adoption try to separate the gender of the parent from the parental role. There has been no scientific evidence associating the behaviours of a child to the sexual orientation of the parents. This fact has been significantly used as a weapon to champion for the rights of LGBT couples adoption of children.

Criticism against same-sex couples adoption

Champions for human rights of the child regarding the kind of parents a child would want. The society has a perspective of the heterosexual couples as the perfect and right setting for raising a child. They argue that given a chance, any child would choose parents who are heterosexuals. Opponents of this kind of parenthood also argue that such upbringing impair the child psychologically. For example, a child raised by a lesbian couple is deprived the chance to acquire the behaviours he would get from a male parent. The vice versa is true for a child raised by a gay couple. This is known to have a big impact on the recognition of the gender roles of the child. The big question is how far a parent can affect the cognitive behaviour of the child.

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